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You need a person to point you in the right direction to make you achieve your best, same goes with the career. Career counsellors are the one, who steers your career in the right direction, and help you veer away from the career whirlpools. Career counselling is an important part in everyone’s life, either you are a fresh graduate who has to choose amongst the multiple job opportunities or an employee who is taking an important decision in his career.

What and Why of Career Counselling –

In India, where fresh graduates are overburdened by the expectations of the family and peers and relatives, they move on to take any job without realizing the consequences, future perspectives or even their skillsets match the job requirement. Employees in India are always in their comfort zone without realizing that any day they can come under fire due to redundant skillsets. Career counsellor job is to provide career guidance to the graduates depending on the skillsets, job demand in market and career growth in the particular field. To experienced employees they draft a career path after study of their resumes and define the probabilities in which their career can move into. They design a proper skill development schedule and device a right course of action for a bright career.

Status of Career Counselling-

Career counselling has been a prominent part of each employee and students in foreign countries but in India it was a thing unheard of. Since past five years, career counselling has come in the picture, as everyone understands the importance of right career decisions.

How Career counselling changed Arun’s life –

Arun passed mechanical engineering from one of the institutes in the year 2015 and easily got selected in the IT Industry. In the great layoff, he was fired off with 6,000 other employees in his organization. IT Industry was not accepting him at his earlier package and mechanical engineering was not ready to accept him, ultimately he moved on into the sales until 2017. He got in touch with one of the career counsellor who guided him in the right career direction. Now he is at a respectable position in the IT industry.

Why Aspirze Career Counselling Program-

Such crucial is the role of the career counsellor in the industry. Aspirze has come up with the lifetime free career counselling program where we provide clear pathways for your career and help you achieve you desired height in the field. Contact us to know more about our Career counselling program.

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